Sindona Taglioni aka Ann Drogyne says he used to work in the justice arena of sorts. He claims to have worked for the probation service the police service and similar associated services, all of which have fortunately had the pleasure of seeing his behind as he leaves the building.
Observations thus far have unearthed Mr Taglioni as somewhat of an attention seeker, trouble rouser and instigator of malicious communication between various unknowns he's befriended. He uses at least a number of aliases that I’ve become aware of and has set up various Internet accounts to disguise his existence.
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My attention was drawn to this man initially as we had what seemed to be a common enemy. I was mistaken with my early assumptions about this man. I made contact soon after witnessing him criticising another person I was involved with regarding some legal issues. I thought it would be advantageous to drop him a line in the hope of gaining some additional legal clout. I was wrong on all counts. We live and learn.
It was around the summer of 2020 that Mr Taglioni came to my attention whilst surfing various Internet sites/platforms for evidence to support my side of a legal argument. It soon became apparent that there was no advantage in following through my early inquiries with Mr Taglioni in fact I soon regretted the attempts to befriend him. Being the inquisitive criminologist I am, I decided to approach Mr Taglioni with a list of questions (approximately 10) that generally inquired about his existence and rationale for his behaviour
- What is your real name?
- Where are your origins?
- Do you have any children?
- How long were you a police officer? Where? Until when?
- What were your main duties/job roles during your time in the force?
- Why did you stop being a police officer?
- Have you ever been a witness in any well known cases?
- When did you upload your first online public video? Why?
- Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence that doesn't fall under the Rehab of offenders Act?
- What's your interest in this Attwood fiasco?
Soon after these questions were sent I received an email instructing me to cease and desist from certain behaviours that he mistakenly thought I was responsible for. In other words Mr Taglioni thought I was somebody else despite my honest and open approach to him initially. Somebody, somewhere, had created accounts that were highly critical of this individual who I had no knowledge of at this juncture. Upon realisation of this man’s purpose at that time I didn’t reply to his threats of involving the police on the matters. That’s right, apparently he possess evidence of my alleged wrongdoings. Unfortunately for Mr Taglioni I have experienced similar threats from similar characters in the past. In short, it’s an attempt by them to scare critics away.
These characters dislike any attention that may allow the public or any interested party and insight into their sad existences. Mr Taglioni was keen on appearing in interviews with numerous questionable characters with questionable backgrounds and shady existences. His own history and or background were never attended to by any of those who offered him a platform to spout his stories. Admittedly none of those who interviewed Mr Taglioni possess the skills know-how or experience in interview skills to offer the reader anything like a qualitative interview. In short they were all car crash interviews. However for the astute among us Mr Taglioni did offer small pieces of information that pricked our ears up.
He certainly got my attention when he spoke about the criminal investigation the police decided was necessary along with the intention of prosecution for sexual assaults on two workers whilst he worked as a something for Merseyside police. There are those who I believe I’ve been led to believe that Mr Taglioni is a former policeman. Unfortunately there is more evidence to suggest that’s what he wants people to believe rather than that’s the truth. I settled on the conclusion that Mr Taglioni was what could be described today as a customer service front desk worker. He talks about being on parade in the early days marching and being part of the male Camaraderie of the police force at that time. This is considered as rubbish here.
Mr Taglioni also publicly shares information about his year-long suspension and eventual disciplinary hearing. Regretfully He doesn’t offer any exact detail or specific timings that could lead the listener to any supporting evidence in these matters. He’s quick to brush these matters aside should they arise.
Soon after Mr Taglioni began attending to me I voiced some concerns to my family. Like me they were bemused, surprised and concerned about the attention to me. Least we not forget the past decade of trauma and tribulations they have endured alongside me. A number of tweets appeared as did numerous videos that attempted to convince the audience of my alleged wrongdoings over the past decade. The malicious tone and malicious intent was clear. He was sharing tweets from six years previous that mentioned me in a derogatory tone. Approaches to other accounts were also made with the intention of sharing defamatory falsehoods. Mr Taglioni was looking for and intending to share any information that saw me in a negative light. Why? I didn’t know was the answer.
Then it became apparent that there was something untoward about to appear on YouTube. Mr Taglioni was in possession of a video contained within which a well-known channel was hosted by an ex-convict. The video saw him allegedly taking drugs and having sexual/intimate photographs of a supposed child trafficking victim who allegedly suffered autism and had been sold as a sex worker, Shaun Attwood. See Chancer
Mr Taglioni published the video and as a result attracted more attention than I imagined he ever thought he would. However, it became apparently clear Mr Taglioni was indulging in the attention. He also drew some attention to himself from across the pond, USA, as well as from people from all over the UK.
The American podcaster/channel host and part-time pod-caster who goes by the name of Wheezy or What is Truth. Initially, there seemed to be a platonic friendship between Mr Taglioni and Wheezy. This relationship soon turned toxic as a result of Wheezy's inquisitive approach. No sooner had Mr Taglioni been asked a few in depth questions concerning the now named “prank video” Wheezy starting getting warnings from YouTube about his content. As the weeks passed Mr Taglioni increased his attacks and complaints and Wheezy began receiving strikes against his channel. And as many guessed would happen, his channel was eventually closed down due to the numerous complaints Mr Taglioni had instigated. Taglioni was also recruiting and instructing others to attack the American. Even Shaun Attwood joined in the campaign to silence Wheezy. Those who supported Wheezy, me included, also began to experience negative responses from certain quarters. Mr Taglioni was on a mission, a mission to destroy those who questioned his behaviour and the motives behind it.
The Chancer, The Honest Truth and True Media channels started to look at Mr Taglioni with open eyes and ears. Questions were asked, evidence was presented and videos were published concerning Taglioni and his antics. All of the channels mentioned began receiving strikes, complaints and copyright claims. More channels were reported and taken down by YouTube. Allegations of homophobia seemed to be the main thrust of Taglioni's complaints. Freedom of speech was allowed it seemed, as long as Taglioni agreed with what was being said. He presented himself at this stage as some kind of victim of bullies. Pure projection to those that know the tactics of narcissists or megalomaniacs. He had come a long way from publishing short videos about Philip Schofield, Jimmy Savile and dancing Chihuahua’s dogs. He was now the head of an anti-cyber bullying campaign and a campaigner for victims of these so-called bigots and homophobes who were all over the Internet supposedly attacking him. I can speak personally from experience when I state Mr Taglioni is anything but a victim of anyone.
The YouTube channel called Chancer is run by a Scottish man. Taglioni has been relentless, publicly and no doubt privately, in trying silence my Celtic brother without success. Almost on a weekly basis Taglioni reports Chancer to YouTube and other platforms on which Chancer has uploaded his content. Chancer's approach is undeniably surgical, precise, focused and intelligently delivered. His popularity is increasing on a daily basis. Unarguably due to his cool, calm and calculated approach. Mr Taglioni must dread the notifications informing him of another upload by Chancer.
It is often the case that within a few minutes of being uploaded Chancer's videos are reported, not only by Taglioni but also by his now close associate and fellow supposed campaigner/activist Shaun Attwood. Attwood has publicly stated that “his team watches everything”. In other words, Attwood and his team are actively seeking content that is disparaging or critical of him, them, the team. Takes one back to the book burning days doesn’t it?
It’s become apparent to me in recent years that there are a growing number of individuals with similar traits to Mr Taglioni and Attwood.
I’ve spent enough time in custody and travelling to various courts and police stations to understand the importance and absolute necessity of our rights to free speech. I’ve paid a heavy price. I’ve also learnt and will continue to learn the mechanisms and intricate necessities so that I do not attract or propose others to attract those who are using legislation and feeble minds of those in the judiciary. In other words I keep it legal so the Taglioni's and Attwood’s among us have no artillery/armour or weaponry at their disposal. If they fancy challenging me on any issues I attend to they better be certain of the knowledge of how to follow through on empty threats of legal action. Besides, as I previously stated I keep things legal, above-board and simple.
Mr Taglioni doesn’t only target content providers he targets their supporters, a category that I fall into. He has maliciously intimidated various females who have publicly shown support for their allies. Many of these targeted supporters were initially followers of Shaun Attwood until his hidden actions became publicly available. I suppose when you’ve got a supposed 700,000 subscribers you can afford to lose one or two. Quite why Taglioni has specifically targeted certain individuals i.e. Hev from Australia and a south Walian named Kelly is beyond the layman’s comprehension. Needless to say both have been attacked, reported and will be on the receiving end of Taglioni’s attention until he decides otherwise, or until the law actually grab the bull by the horn and see Taglioni as the vindictive malicious troll he is. I can say this with gusto as I have stadiums full of knowledge concerning this type of character. Anybody with an ounce of knowledge about my past will confirm such.
Mr Taglioni has a past he’d like to keep hidden or concealed. Any amateur researcher who spends 10 minutes googling his various offerings would confirm such. His Twitter activity from 2012 onward evidences his associations with some very dubious characters. Many of whom I’ve had the displeasure of crossing swords with.The majority of these unsavory characters hang around the peripheral of the child sexual abuse/paedos in parliament/satanic abuse arena. Rarely can they be identified and even more uncommon is for them to be confronted about their involvement. Back then I reached my own conclusions which I standby today. Needless to say I consider them all to be exceptionally dangerous and untoward with regard to anything associated with children and or their suffering.
These creatures were/are close associates of Mr Taglioni. I did intend to ask further questions about his association with these proven online trolls but I thought better about it. It couldn’t have been easy for them, in fact it must’ve been traumatic and distressing for them to discover that the forged Guardian article/statement of truth they relied on so much to attack me no longer exists in the historical archive of the newspaper.
Add that to the fact that I reached the High Court and settled a libel case, and their disappointment only gets worse. But my previous fallen foes aren’t the issue here anymore, they never will be again. They ceased attending to me, unlike Mr Taglioni who thinks he’s beyond the law of the land, civil or criminal. His latest hostile move was to release private emails between himself and another man. The man was inquiring about my existence and appearance somewhere online. Innocent enough as far as I’m concerned. If I’m being totally honest it’s what I would expect given what fossils remain from the troll frenzy I endured. I’ve since spoken to the individual and have begun somewhat of a friendship with him. Much to Mr Taglioni’s displeasure. Every cloud and all that. That said, the release of the emails evidences Mr Taglioni’s malicious intent and how much malice he is prepared to exhibit toward anyone who questions his rational or irrational behaviour. This isn’t the first time Mr Taglioni has breached the data protection legislation , he does so at will.
Mr Taglioni is keen on labeling others without fear or thought of the consequences for his chosen target. People suffering mental health issues, addiction, alcoholism and drug addiction are often targeted and Mr Taglioni revels in the attention afforded to him as a result of his public insults and labeling. He regularly calls for individuals to be sectioned under the mental health act.Numerous people have been threatened with being arrested and prosecuted. I believe his favourite form of causing distress is by way of sending threatening cease-and-desist correspondence to whoever has crossed his path that particular day. Not forgetting his constant reporting of content to a myriad of online platforms that host content creators.
To the layman Mr Taglioni presents as a sincere, caring, concerned ex ballet performer who worked in the theatre and entertainment industry. Companies house business information will show Mr Taglioni as a director of a couple of now-defunct businesses associated with film production, acting and entertainment. His Twitter feed in the main consists of appeals from different dog rescue centres. However, hidden in between these tweets are his knives and swords of censorship and control. The venomous pricks of hatred and malice are littered throughout his timeline stretching back year after years after year. As @SindonaX Mr Taglioni published a blog, and judging from the research performed, a controversial blog. From what’s been gathered his initial targets sat at the head of Merseyside police, Liverpool city council and other minor local politicians from around the area in which he resides. But we mustn’t forget his initial entry through the gates of Hatesville was on the back of the Jimmy Savile scandal and the not too unconnected North Wales child abuse sagas. Mr Taglioni’s associations with the infamous Hampstead child abuse scandal hasn’t received any attention for the purposes of this entry. There’s only so much time one can afford to such an undesirable. I am aware of others that have chosen to examine matters that I’ve considered unnecessary for this signposting and or advisory blog entry.
Nothing you’ve read here is untrue or fabricated or intended to cause anyone any concern. Mr Taglioni, based on previous research will enjoy the attention and probably produce a video or identify this as a target for his pedantic offerings on his so-called anti-cyber bullying page, channel or group. He’s the founder don’t you know. He’s the DaDi_UK , the mayor, the winner and of course, lest we not forget he’s the most beautiful face that intersex campaigning groups could ever ask for.
Heading towards a conclusion, let’s examine this; his dog died, it was old and enjoyed its long life. Mr Taglioni was often interrupted by the dog during video productions. It had trouble with the stairs apparently. I believe the dog existed and died. There’s not much else I believe. Soon afterwards Mr Taglioni blamed our American pod-caster Wheezy, for the demise of the dog. Taglioni thought he would blame someone who lives thousands of miles away for the dogs death. He wanted others to hate Wheezy that much folks. Now that is hate. From where can that much hate originate? Who knows? Ideally, all of us one day.
There’s a reason Mr Taglioni wants his hidden fruits to remain hidden. The allegations and police investigations and recommendations for prosecution into Taglioni’s numerous sexual improprieties in Liverpool area need further investigation as far as I’m concerned. There’s no smoke without fire and all that. His disciplinary punishment whilst working for the police also needs attending to. Someone out there is sitting on this information. That’s not a rally cry to the mob in any way shape or form, it’s a statement of fact.
I had no intention of addressing Mr Taglioni’s targeting of me as it was perceived as a childish act by an odd looking individual with an attention seeking disorder. An internet troll with time on his hands. His attendance at a couple of my high court libel hearings this year evidenced someone with far deeper sinister intentions which included attempting to cancel my freedom of speech and scaring me into some sort of retreat from his imagined front line.
Mr Taglioni is very aware, as evidenced by his dark historical connections that others with similar sinister lives and intentions have tried and dismally failed at what he recently attempted.
Finally, Mr Taglioni and his handful of anonymous brainless assistants need to understand and comprehend that his actions have consequences and more often than not those consequences aren’t realised until it’s too late.
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