Monday, 11 November 2019

Light at the end of the tunnel

I did it. I friggin did it. I should have done it before but the timing was all wrong. But today was right. An office full of lads, rowdy, hard, take no shit, kind of lads. If you see us on our Xmas outing just cross over or leave the pub we enter kind of lads.

I suggested they Google me. They did. The laughter was loud, very loud. They read and watched all there was to see. All the troll's work has been wasted. The lads understood, they got it. I'm privileged to work with them, all of them. There was some apprehension when I first started work back in June but I suppose that's only natural given what I've endured over the past few years. Well not anymore. In fact, never again. My confidence has returned to almost what it was before the pigs came knocking my doors down.

As for those responsible for the content online-fuck you. Fuck yourselves with the biggest dildo you can find. One comment about a particular lying monster, the really ugly one, made me laugh to the extent I nearly peed myself, will remain with me forever. To describe her as ugly is being kind. Needless to say, it involved a rope, a boat, and a large expanse of sea.

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